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One Earth Community

We do not walk this path alone.
Coming to terms with and responding to what is underway requires the support of community.

EcoSanghas to Join

In-Person or Online

Group meets Monthly; discussion is in Nederlands.
LocationAvercampstraat 74
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 1072 RB

Upcoming Events

from Our Networks

An EcoDharma Meditation Retreat with James and Jane Baraz

This retreat draws on both the liberating practices of the Insight Meditation tradition as well as nature-based practices and rituals. The intention is to deepen our understanding of the human mind and heart as well as our sense of belonging to the larger web of life. Virtual sessions also available.

With Thanissara, Elaine Yeh, Djuna Devereaux and Yong Oh

Join us as we co-create a Dharma culture capable of meeting the world’s challenges with resilience, compassion, and unwavering commitment to justice, healing, and mutual liberation.

With Jessica Morey

Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Joanna Macy and Francis Weller, this three-week practice group invites you to acknowledge and feel your grief – for yourself and for the world. Together, we will create a compassionate space to honor, embrace, and practice with all kinds of sorrows, including personal losses and the profound ecological grief of our times.

With Mary Burns, Nicola Redfern and Nobantu Mpotulo

The fires of the world have been very hot. There is injustice, climate crisis, and the degradation of dignity and truth. How do we find refuge in the Dhamma while remaining fully in relationship with the world and its pain? What are our sources of joy, inspiration, and resilience at this point?


from Leaders and Practioners


International Dharma Teachers' Statement on Climate Change

In 2014, the global sangha of Buddhist and mindfulness practitioners joined Dharma teachers from around the world in signing this statement on climate change.
What does it mean to follow the path of spiritual warriorship or to be an ecosattva? The leadership council of the Shambhala Community has issued a statement exploring the role of the spiritual warrior that resonates for all Buddhist traditions.

A Western Soto Zen Buddhist Statement on the Climate Crisis

The Western Soto Zen Buddhist Association's statement on the climate crisis draws from a long term commitment from this rich tradition to Earth, sustainability, and compassion.

A Buddhist Statement of Support for the Standing Rock action and Water is Life Protectors

To protect life, we must protect water. An alliance of Buddhist communities stands in solidarity with Indigenous water protectors, and your voice and support are needed.

Stories of Community


A Story of Local Community

A Seattle-based group is coming together to cultivate wisdom, compassion and energy for action.

A Community Renounces Fossil Fuels

With its recent installation of an emissions-free heating system, Zen Mountain Monastery is one step closer to its goal of phasing out fossil fuel use by 2030.

Reflections on an Eco-Advisory Retreat for Dharma Leaders

In March 2023, 21 EcoDharma practitioners gathered to connect, practice, and exchange ideas on nourishing the Buddhist response to ecological crises. David Loy shares some of the insights and vital questions that emerged.